
+91 90330 33633



Guar Gum is relatively cost effective as compared to other thickeners and stabilizers along with it being an effective binder, plasticizer and emulsifier. One of the important properties of guar gum, a polysaccharide, is that it is high on galactose and mannose. Guar gum is also known as guarkernmehl, guaran, goma guar, gomme guar and galactomannan.
The color of guar gum powder is whitish and yellowish consisting of slight odor. Cyamopsis tetragonolobus or Guar Plants endosperm derives Guar Gum. Guar crop is basically a legume (a plant of a pea family) which grows effectively in sandy soils, with rainfall to some extent with lots of sunshine.
Guar Gum powder is obtained from ground endosperm of guar plant. The seed pods of Guar are grown in groups, 100 Kilos of beans, minus their bean pods yields roughly 29 kilos of endosperm; 29 kilos of Guar powder.

India Followed by Pakistan and US is the key producer of Guar Seeds constituting approximately 80% of the overall production. Guar crop grows on semi arid and sub-tropical area harvested between Octobers to November. Guar seed is the combination of three things the germ, endosperm and the husk. Guar seed is basically the legume which regenerates the nitrogen in soil. Green Guar is the source of vegetables and also fed to cattle’s.


  • It is easily soluble in both hot and cold water.
  • Properties of film forming.
  • Remains stable in solution over wide range of pH values from
  • 5-7.
  • Good thickening agent.
  • High viscosity.
  • Resistance to oils, greases and solvent.
  • Capacity of Water binding.
  • Functioning at low temperatures.
  • Compatible with many other hydrocolloids used in food
  • formulations.
  • Versatility due to number of free hydroxy groups to
  • Make derivatives for specific applications.

  Specification   100 Mesh   200 Mesh   300 Mesh
  3000 / 3500 Cps   Min.
  3000 / 3500 Cps Min.
  2500 / 3500 Cps Min.
  By Brooke field Viscometer   at   25ºC, 20 rpm   Spindle   No-4   Solution - 1%
  4500 / 5000 Cps   Max.
  6000 / 7000 Cps Max.
  4500 / 5000 Cps Max.
  12 % Max.
  12 % Max.
  12 % Max.
  98 - 99 % Min.
  90 - 99 % Min.
  98 - 99 % Min.
  Proteins (N x 6.25 )
  5.0 % Max.
  5.0 % Max.
  5.0 % Max.
  0.3 % Max.
  0.3 % Max.
  0.3 % Max.
  3.0 % Max.
  3.0 % Max.
  3.0 % Max.
  1.0 % Max.
  1.0 % Max.
  1.0 % Max.
  5.5 - 7.0
  5.5 - 7.0
  5.5 - 7.0
  Carbohydrates ( by   difference )
  80 % Min.
  80 % Min.
  80 % Min.
  3 ppm Max.
  3 ppm Max.
  3 ppm Max.
  3 ppm Max.
  3 ppm Max.
  3 ppm Max.
  Heavy Metals
  20 ppm Max.
  20 ppm Max.
  20 ppm Max.

Contact us

41, 5th Floor, Shree Krishna Centre,
Near Mithakhali Six Road,
Ahmedabad-380009 Gujarat, INDIA Phone: +91 99253 33633

Production Plant

  • International Office:

    Sharjah, UAE.